Hello, I’m Adele Nozedar, proprietrix of Brecon Beacons Foraging. I also write books (find out more on the ‘Books’ page)
The company is a small but perfectly-formed organisation, comprising me and my dog, Lis.

Chances are, if you’re human, you’ll have foraged at some time or other, possibly without even realising it. I see my ‘job’ as a way of reintroducing you to the natural world via the wild and edible treasures that surround us, all the time, wherever we are…..
What, exactly, does a forage entail?
A forage is a slow-paced process, aimed at observation and information rather than mileage. During your walk you’ll be encouraged to observe, using all of your senses to guide you in finding and recognising the plants, fungi, trees and even the wildlife around us. Recognition of plants if a wonderfully sensory experience; squeezing and smelling leaves, running them between your fingers to get a sense of their juices and oils, and tasting such delights as nectar, are all part of the process. Sensory experiences are effective triggers for the memory, and people are often surprised at what they recall. Prepare to lean on fences, one foot on the bottom bar, gazing at the horizon.
Can anyone forage?
Yes. Not only that, but we can forage anywhere, even in cities. Courses are suitable for people of all ages and abilities. I have foraged with children and families, Home Educators, at schools and colleges, at community centres, at lovely Glamping places, with holidaymakers and artists, with University professors, TV companies, magazines and newspapers and, occasionally, celebrities. When necessary, I will ensure that a route is suitable for wheelchair users.
What courses do you offer?
We offer a regular forage setting off from Abergavenny on the last Sunday of every month. We do regular Botanical Gin foraging sessions where you can make your very own flavoured gin from plants that you’re surrounded by every day. We also offer bespoke foraging experiences. All the information about our foraging events can be found on the foraging page. But if you’re keen to get booking why not send me an email on breconbeaconsforaging@gmail.com and we can discuss your next foraging experience.
Why not sign up to my newsletter…
Sign up to my (occasional) newsletter where I’ll share any exciting news, information about foraging courses, events and of course availability of our famous Hedgerow Gin.